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Awitgati Longhouse & Cultural Centre



The Awitgati Longhouse and Culture Centre is a new net-zero carbon Indigenous health and social facility, led by the Under One Sky Friendship Centre in Fredericton, NB. The centre will serve as a gathering place to celebrate and support Indigenous people and culture throughout New Brunswick, and includes a range of gathering, event, and community spaces in a state-of-the-art building designed by Fathom Studio.

The Longhouse and Cultural Centre will provide spaces for programs and services for all members of the community in four priority areas – health and wellness; education, skills, and training; arts & culture; and gathering and community-building. 

The centre will include a large ceremonial hall/performing arts room, gallery and exhibit spaces, classrooms, community gatherings rooms, kitchens, education & classrooms, and a number of workshops – all positioned symmetrically around a central pavilion and sacred outdoor fire.

Savira was engaged on this exciting project as part of a feasibility study for federal funding, leading the market research, business planning, operating, and staffing model for the Longhouse and Cultural Centre to ensure long-term financial sustainability. Savira also provided feedback on the concept design of the facility to ensure welcoming and integrated spaces that will support diverse cultural and community programming from across the province.


Services Provided:

Market Research

Design Development

Business Plan

Operating Model & Staffing Plan


Fathom Studio

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